Vaikhari Centre for Research in Kerala Heritage

Vaikhari – Centre for Research in Kerala Heritage of Sreekrishnapuram V.T. Bhattathiripad College was established on Nov. 6th, 2019 as a strategic response to the need for a focused approach to preserving and promoting Kerala's indigenous knowledge systems. Vaikhari's mission is to serve as a repository of Kerala's cultural heritage, making it accessible to scholars, students, and the public. The Centre aims to revitalize interest in and appreciation for the state's rich traditions through research, documentation, and dissemination. Vaikhari strives to be a global leader in heritage conservation, promoting innovation, and inspiring future generations to value and protect their cultural heritage.


Motto – vidyayā amtamaśnute


Objectives of the Centre

  • To create a centralized repository for storing and sharing indigenous knowledge.
  • To promote awareness and appreciation of indigenous cultures and practices.
  • To support research and collaboration on Indigenous knowledge systems.

To satisfy these objects Vaikhari introduced -

  • Documentation and Archiving
  • Initiatives for Cultural Revival
  • Respected Intellectual Property through hereditary-based research
  • Manuscript preservation
  • Awareness of the unique features of various Oral traditions spread in disciplines like Vedic Education, Performing art forms, and Heriditaries.